Common Commands
The following tables list commands that you can use with Speech Recognition.
To do this Say this Insert a new paragraph New paragraph, Insert sentence, Add new para, Add paragraph, New line Turn on listening mode Start dictation, Start listening, Wake up, Begin dictation, Microphone on Turn off listening mode Go to sleep, Stop listening, Microphone off, End dictation Delete the typed text Clear everything, Delete all text, Remove everything Copy text to clipboard Copy to Clipboard -
To insert this Say this To insert this Say this ;-) Wink face :-) Smile, Smiley, Smiling face, Happy face :-)) Very happy face :-( Frown, Sad face, Angry face :-| Straight face, Neutral face :-/ Annoyed face -
Special Characters
To insert this Say this To insert this Say this © Add copyright, Insert copyright, Add copyright sign % Add percent, Insert percent, percent sign @ Add at, Insert at, at sign, at = Add equal, equal sign, equal + Add plus, plus sign, plus - Add minus, minus sign, minus ÷ Add division, division sign, division x Add multiplication, multiplication sign * Add asterisk, insert asterisk > Add greater than, greater than sign < Add less than, less than sign $, ¥, €, ¢ £ Insert dollar (or yen or euro or cent or pound) sign -
Punctuation Marks
You can prefix the command with either "add " or "insert ". For instance, you can say "add apostrophe " or say "insert apostrophe " and both command will add the ' symbol in the cursor position.
To insert this Say this To insert this Say this . full stop, dot, point, period , comma · center dot (space) space ! exclamation mark, exclamation point & ampersand ' apostrophe ° degree # hashtag | vertical bar … ellipsis : colon ; semicolon ? question mark / forward slash \ backslash _ underscore – hyphen — dash -
Quotes & Brackets
To insert this Say this To insert this Say this ‘ Open single quote ’ Close single quote “ Open double quote ” Close double quote { Open brace } Close brace ( Open parentheses ) Close paranthesis [ Open bracket ] Close bracket < Open angle bracket > Close angle bracket
Choose another language to see available voice commands for speech recognition.